“If cancer has invaded your life or the life of someone you love, you need Cancer Free University.”

Current statistics reveal

Your GO-TO RESOURCE for cutting edge cancer testing, early detection options, unique treatments, healing therapies, and proven prevention strategies.

What do you do if you are diagnosed?

Cancer Free University will help you navigate the process. It is a step-by-step guide from someone who has been through it – Jenny Hrbacek, Registered Nurse. You will hear candid one-on-one interviews with over 60 experts in their field, from doctors to researchers.

What you’ll get:

  • Advanced Early Detection & Cancer Testing Options - 15 indepth expert interviews (2 bonus)
  • Unique Treatment Options & Healing Therapies - 26 indepth expert interviews (2 bonus)
  • Powerful & Proven Prevention Strategies - 18 indepth expert interviews (4 bonus)

This vital information could save your life or the life of someone you love!

What you wish you could have learned in school.

About the Curriculums and Courses:

Advanced Early Detection & Cancer Testing Options is the first module of the Cancer Free university. It is divided into 15 easy to understand, yet comprehensive interviews with experts. Additionally, you have 2 bonus interviews with Nasha Winters, ND and Shirley Williams.

Unique Treatment Options & Healing Therapies is the second module of the Cancer Free university. It is divided into 26 easy to understand, yet comprehensive interviews with experts. Additionally, you have 2 bonus interviews with Annie Brandt and Dr. Lee Cowden. 

Powerful & Proven Prevention Strategies is the third module of the Cancer Free university. It is divided into 18 easy to understand, yet comprehensive interviews with experts. Additionally, you have 4 bonus interviews with Lizzy Cronin, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, Frank Cousineau and Shirley Williams.

Cancer Free University 


This contains a significant amount of information relating to cancer, breaking paradigms about is this deadly disease, its causes and how to deal with it. —Ron H. 

I have watched a lot of videos about cancer but these are the most important, tells about circulating cells, the cancer doctors don’t tell you this and your not cured until they are gone, THIS IS WELL DONE, need to know info if you have cancer.—"Loving Life"

I don't have cancer but focus on prevention because I suffer from a long term chronic illness that has been associated with cancer. The information is potentially life saving. I intend to get some of the testing… for myself and for my mother who has had a few skin cancers removed lately, including melanoma.—Alexandria 

Whether you have had or currently have cancer, you can avoid the "watch, wait and wonder" after the remission or cancer free declaration. Jenny has armed herself (and you) with valuable information. She also details therapies that have great promise if you would like to avoid going through "cut, burn and poison" standard practice therapies.—Judy 

Gives me the control I am looking for in my own health care. There are avenues I can take in spite of health insurance companies. Thank you for directing me to the right places and doctors.—Don D. 

Full of realistic, viable, alternative and beneficial tests and where and how to access them.—Bill 

I just completed your "Cancer Free University" it is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C-!  

You have brought together the questions and professional answers, to the deep down concerns that we (cancer patients) all have... And you provided the format that we could access as we had time around our busy lives. Keep up the great work.... —Mark H. 

This has contains life saving information that everyone needs to know. Thank you Jenny for all the amazing research!—Michelle 

Excellent! We highly recommend this course. With Cancer the problem of not knowing what to do or how to monitor the cancer is a major concern. Jenny is a tremendous help, and an answer to our prayers on "What can we do?". She even tells you what the tests are, how much these tests cost, and where to get them. There are so many videos out there on Cancer, but none like this one. Everyone who has cancer, or is worried about getting cancer should watch this. This will save LIVES because it tells you of tests that will detect cancer long before traditional doctors will pick it up. The earlier you can detect cancer, the easier you can cure it.—Wes Y. 

Very helpful and informative! I just wish more people would research other options for cancer instead of the standard cut, burn, poison! This can help caregivers, those with cancer, or those who want to prevent it! Thank you, Jenny!—"Mommy" 

Excellent information, well presented. I know my way around this subject fairly well, but learned new information. A must for those who have relied on cut/poison/burn treatment exclusively.—Ginger H. 

Great resource guide—Ann H.